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Another Year in the Books

Nancy Ruther, EdD

Our 2021 Year In Review

Curious what we were up to all last year? Check out our 2021 Annual Report that just landed on our website! This year we focus on highlighting survey results and feedback from CLICK students and faculty across the world. We also share student demographics and consider who we are reaching with our programming and how to expand our radius of impact.

Gazelle International has been working with community colleges to establish comprehensive international education initiatives since 2017. We have grown exponentially since then and want to share the global impacts of our work to date. In the newest installment of our annual reports, we present feedback we received from over 500 students and almost 100 teachers across Connecticut, Wisconsin, Illinois, Washington, France, Mexico, and the Netherlands this year. We hope that teachers, college deans and presidents, as well as instructional design and faculty development teams can find ideas for developing and ensuring a smooth experience with virtual exchange on their campuses and in their classrooms.

CLICK By the Numbers

Over the past 5 years, we have seen the CLICK program expand exponentially. In Fall 2017, we began with just two projects and six teachers, reaching a total of 70 students. Beginning in 2021 and entering 2022, we were bowled over by the enrollments in our program and ended up reaching 512 students through 31 collaborating teachers and 15 CLICK projects. We also now have a growing network of 20 campuses across the world working together to serve students and increase their exposure to internationalization and global education. The graph above charts our growth over five years of virtual exchange.


  • Virtually all of our teachers would recommend doing a CLICK project to their colleagues

  • Our teachers widely agree that the CLICK experience helped them better prepare their students beyond school

  • Students valued the opportunity to meet and collaborate with people from another country

  • Students overcame real world challenges in their projects, such as communication barriers, coordinating schedules in different time zones, and navigating cultural differences

  • Over the past few years, CLICK projects have succeeded in continuing to reach a wider audience of students from different racial and ethnic backgrounds

Our teachers agree that the CLICK project experience enhances their own skills and knowledge as well as that of their students

Word cloud based on student responses to our survey question on what they valued most about the CLICK project experience

Stay tuned for our upcoming blog posts which will provide a deep dive into our student and faculty assessments from 2022!


In working primarily with community and technical colleges, Gazelle International strives to demonstrate our vision for student achievement with both quantitative and qualitative feedback, both good and bad. We use these data-driven metrics to keep teacher training and support up-to-date and responsive to the challenges and opportunities of virtual exchange. After sharing feedback from our work with our teaching partners and their students, we also look forward to taking their experiences with CLICK into account and building on them as we continue to develop robust internationalization strategies at the institutional level.

Read our full Annual Report here!

Grace East




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