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"An experience to be repeated !!"

Nancy Ruther, EdD

What we learned from CLICKing students

Our last blog post took a look at our 2021 Annual Report, now let’s see what students had to say in their own words!

At the end of every CLICK module, teachers send our survey to their students to elicit their experience directly and compare results across the program. We also gain insights for improving the teacher training cycle year after year. Here, we share their responses around the trends that emerged. They see the importance of cross-cultural and international experiences culturally and linguistically. Overcoming their greatest challenges also proved to be the biggest reward. Finally, as you can see from the title from a French student in YOU are Biology, they enjoy CLICK!

Graphs represent survey responses from 198 students. Each quote is identified by the student's home campus.

The general trends included an increased or confirmed interest in studying, living, and working abroad.

"It helped me see what the people of other countries are like just by interacting with them and working with them on a common goal." - Hillsborough Community College

"It was really interesting to see how France and the United States differ in ways such as healthcare and the way that they communicate and work together. It gave me a different outlook on how other people may work and how I will approach different situations in healthcare" - University of North Alabama

"Ce projet m’a donné de la confiance concernant ma capacité à communiquer dans une autre langue. Je pense qu’il m’a apporté d’une point de vue culturel et me pousse davantage à voyager" - IUT Nancy-Charlemagne

I appreciate the value of different cultural perspectives.

“It made me realize that interactions with people from other cultures are important, especially in the world of work” - IUT Nancy-Brabois

“I can imagine working in foreign countries because it was not that hard communicating with American people” - IUT Nancy-Brabois

Learning to collaborate cross-culturally will help position me to succeed in the global workforce

“I think the experience in the CLICK project made me reevaluate how I explain certain things. I’m so used to everyone quickly understanding everything I mean that when I began working with the French students I had to quickly adjust to accommodate. I think this improved my ability to communicate and will better my experiences in the work field later on.” - Hillsborough Community College

“It has reminded me that there are other ways that the world works outside of mine but that people are not very different from each other.” - University of North Alabama

“For me the biggest reward was the knowledge that I gained from people in a different country than me. It was nice to hear from them and it made the world not seem so big.” - University of North Alabama

I was able to manage the cultural aspects of collaboration with faculty and students at the partner institution.

Students, regardless of country, also recognized the importance of English as a global language. French students in particular expressed either a desire to improve their English or a new confidence in their speaking ability after communicating effectively.

“It did change my outlook on the importance of knowing other languages besides my own and the importance of looking at issues globally” - University of North Alabama

“This is the first time I have spoken to foreigners in their language and it is very rewarding” - IUT Nancy-Brabois

It is important to communicate in more than one language.

Results from our pre-CLICK surveys reflect what we’ve seen in previous years when it came to what the biggest challenges and greatest rewards would be. Students were concerned about their ability to communicate across time zones and in their non-native language. However, overcoming these hurdles to successfully complete their projects proved to be their greatest reward!

Click the arrows to compare the word cPre and Post CLICK survey responses about the challenges and rewards of participating in CLICK.

“I really enjoyed working with people coming from different countries, especially because I learned that I am able to get work done in a team, even if I don’t speak a perfect English” - IUT Nancy-Brabois

“This experience helped me in being able to manage my time in order to accommodate to others conflicting schedules and time zones.” - Hillsborough Community College

“I really enjoyed practicing English with Americans. It made me realize that I am able to express myself in another language.” - IUT Nancy-Brabois

I was able to work across time zones with my group partners in this CLICK project.

We can go on and on about the benefits of Virtual Exchange and cross-cultural education, but at the end of the day students enjoyed their CLICK projects and are eager to repeat the experience.

“That the world is becoming more interconnected and it was a pleasure talking to people from different countries” - Hillsborough Community College

“I got to experience different cultures by real people and not just by research on their culture. We got to see what each individual liked and disliked, as well as got a chance to buil[d] friendships and bonds throughout this project just by getting to know others who may have a different culture than you do.” - Jefferson State Community College

“I have never communicated with someone from a different country like this. So meeting new people from across the world was cool.” - Jefferson State Community College

“I had fun! I hope to further grow the relationships I made within this project!” - Jefferson State Community College

I enjoyed interacting with students from other countries.

“I believe my campus is even better for participating in this experience” - Hillsborough Community College

“It was a nice opportunity to work on a subject we chose.” - IUT Nancy-Brabois

“I would definitely take this course again.” - University of North Alabama

“It was very enjoyable and would recommend for other students” - Jefferson State Community College

“I really enjoyed it, I wish other teachers and stuff in high school or even in college classes did CLICK projects because they are so much fun and very fun to experience and getting to know people and their cultures.” - Jefferson State Community College

“It was a great opportunity and I hope college everywhere are or start doing CLICK projects with different cultures.” - Jefferson State Community College

Would you be interested in doing another CLICK project given the opportunity?

Emily Hathaway

Jul 18 2022


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